Become a professional organizer with Din Kurs!

March 5, 2020
Would you like to improve your company’s events, courses or seminars. Do you want to be sure to get paid by the participants and also use cards as a payment option.

Always get paid, and also in advance

Organizers who use the card payment through Din Kurs secure the payment for each participant directly at the time of registration, participants who have difficulty with the payment do not occupy places that a good payer could have filled.

The collected fees are paid to you as an organizer once a week. You can when you want to print a document that contains all the information regarding the card payments as well as documents to use in your accounts.

We also offer invoicing and invoice purchases via Finqr.

Follow-up, the way to become a professional

We at Din Kurs recommend that you create an improvement plan as an organizer. This is to constantly improve the business. As part of this, Din Kurs has created a system to automatically invite participants to participate in a survey. In our survey function, you as the organizer create your own forms and questions. We would like to point out that even if the event has been successful, there are further ways to improve as an organizer.

After one or more events with associated follow-up follow-up, you can, for example, get answers to:

– What caught the interest of the participants the most?
– What makes your event unique
– What makes you unique?
– What worked less well?

And perhaps the most important question, “How do you think we can improve?”.

In our system for surveys, you can easily compare different events and thereby follow the results over time to maintain and also enhance the customer experience.

It is easy to understand the importance of the result that answered follow-ups can give and the value of a strengthened reputation.

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For more information on how to set up user-friendly forms and get started with participant management, contact us


For more information on how to set up user-friendly forms and get started with participant management, contact us


126/5000 For more information on how to set up a form that is easy to understand and get started with participant management, contact us

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