Function List

Our participant management system simplifies and gives you more time for other things

Events, meetings, courses or competitions, no matter what you gather participants for, we have the functions ready to make it easier for you.

Try one event at the Standard version where you get a free trial event ($25 discount).


Advanced and simple to use registration form


Form for everyone

All organizers have different conditions and needs. For more than ten years, we have therefore endeavored to create a system that works for all activities where participants handle everything from dog courses to large conferences and competitions.


In signupmanager. and eventry. there is a working form right from the start. Here you can choose from common questions such as accommodation, special food, company name, country and more.

The form’s standard fields are translated into several languages ​​including Swedish, English, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, French and German.

Create your own questions

Despite standard questions, you will probably need to ask questions that are specific to you. Therefore, we have created a system that makes the form dynamic and you create your own question in a few minutes. These may be questions of the types

  • Simple question
    Can eg. be “The name of the dog”.
  • Drop-down list with options
    Can eg. be “Select size of T-shirt”.
  • Drop-down list with options linked to price
    Can eg. be “Select full or half board”.
  • Rollsta with alternatives linked to a specific number
    Can eg. be “Select lecture”, where there is a limited number of places on the different lectures.
  • Cast list with both quantity and price
    Can eg. be “Choose the type of tent site”, where the different places cost different and are limited in number.
  • File upload
    If for example. wants the participant to upload his / her CV / picture or certificate.
  • Free amount
    Can be if you for example. would like to donate any amount to charity.
  • Seat booking in local
    This can be a classic concert or theater venue
  • Drop-down list with yes or no
    E.g. Do you want lunch or do you accept the cancellation policy?

Integrate the form on your website

Are you a user of signupmanager. our integration experts will help you customize the layout of the form to fit your website.

Read more about layout customization

When you integrate the form on your website, the participant never leaves your page and the form appears to be your own.

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